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HELPIS Annual Month of May Celebration of Kindness, May 24, 2022, 6:30-9pm

Connecting & Celebrating the People, Work, and Power of Kindness in Our Communities

You're cordially invited to our celebration of kindness, as we join together with the organizations and individuals we work with on a daily basis to spread kindness and bridge need with help.

Please RSVP so that we can get an accurate count for the event -- light appetizers will be served.


While the event is free, we ask that each attendee please bring a financial donation, grocery store gift cards, monetary gift card, or gas gift cards to support our ongoing work with children and families, veterans, individuals facing homelessness, and human service organizations around the greater Boston area!

Every day, 7 days a week, HELPIS fulfills requests from Burlington and Boston children, family and veteran services agencies and more. Many of the requests are on behalf of our neighbors and friends in Burlington, who could really use a helping hand up when times are tough. It's not easy to ask for help and HELPIS strives to preserve the dignity of recipients, who often participate full circle and become HELPIS helpers to help other people. None of this would be possible without each and every one of you, and we hope you will join us to celebrate on May 24th!


Dana Fine
Dana Fine

Who won the various drawings and silent auction items?


Sponsorship & Volunteer Opportunities

Businesses and organizations can support this event by sponsoring tables, becoming high-level sponsors, or donating prizes for kindness recognition. Volunteers are also needed for event setup, activities, and crowd engagement. Please contact us for more information

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