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Helping to Empower Education through Scholarships and School Supplies

Back-to-school season is a time of excitement for children, marked by the anticipation of meeting teachers, reuniting with friends, and embracing the joy of learning. However, this period can also bring financial stress to families with limited means, as they grapple with the costs of new clothing, school supplies, and backpacks. Fortunately, through our amazing network, we are able to help to alleviate this burden for some children and families.

HELPIS, a Massachusetts-based non-profit organization, is on a mission to spread kindness and make a positive impact on the lives of those in need. One of our key initiatives is the Annual Backpack and School Supply Drive, which has garnered support from numerous generous individuals and community partners.

Backpacks and school supplies are then distributed to organizations like the Cambridge Street Closet at Burlington High School, Old Colony YMCA, Plummer Youth Promise, ensuring that children facing economic challenges can start the school year with confidence.

The outpouring of support for HELPIS's initiatives is truly heartwarming.

Scholarships are another crucial aspect of the HELPIS mission. For the last 10 years, we have been able to provide scholarships to local students and youth in foster care, empowering them to pursue higher education and build brighter futures. These scholarships, known as Scholarships of Kindness, have been awarded to remarkable individuals who have overcome challenges and demonstrated a commitment to spreading kindness.

One such recipient is Victoria Lee Lewis, who expressed her gratitude for the scholarship, emphasizing the importance of kindness as a choice, not just expected behavior. Victoria's story exemplifies how HELPIS inspires individuals to give back to their communities, creating a positive cycle of kindness. Elisangela Pires, another recipient of the Kindness Scholarship, says: “In a world often plagued by cruelty and indifference, the simple act of kindness becomes a radiant beacon of hope, capable of touching hearts and transforming lives. Kindness, like a gentle breeze, whispers through the chaos, reminding us of our shared humanity and the power of compassion.”

Remember: Even small acts of kindness can have a profound impact on someone's life, and together, we can create a brighter future for our communities.

As always, thank you for your support!

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