“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” ~attributed to Plato

The Month of May Challenge to Promote Kindness and Generosity is presented by HELPIS, a non-profit social network for people to promote kind and charitable deeds. The Month of May is now officially recognized throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as the month of kindness and generosity.
In celebration of this, during the month of May, HELPIS is challenging people to help someone in need without asking for anything in return as a reminder that even simple acts of kindness can heal, uplift, inspire, and improve the lives of others. Kindness has the power to bring hope to those searching for it and by extension, change lives. It’s our intention to designate May as a month of celebrating the spirit of giving across the country – to salute the kind and generous acts of giving that have taken place throughout the year. Our goal is to also encourage more spontaneous acts of generosity, tolerance, and kindness during this month and throughout the year.
We want to hear from you! Please send us your pictures and videos of your acts of kindness through our website or on social media, using the hashtag #HELPISchallenge!