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Aug 26, 2016
HELPIS Announces Recipient of First Month of May Kindness Scholarship
HELPIS is pleased to announce Deonildo (DEO) DeAlvarenga as our recipient of the Month of May Kindness Scholarship. He wants to study in...

Nov 5, 2015
Wishing by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Wishing Do you wish the world were better? Let me tell you what to do. Set a watch upon your actions, Keep them always straight and...

Oct 13, 2015
Hearing on a House Bill sponsored by Sate Representative Ken Gordon called 'An Act to Designate
The Francis Wyman Elementary School hosted a hearing on a House Bill sponsored by State Representative Ken Gordon called 'An Act to...

Oct 8, 2015
MA Legislature Conducts Hearing on Rep. Gordon Bill Inspired by Burlington Children at Francis Wyman
September 30, 2015 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Mary Guay, 617-722-2013 BOSTON – Burlington elementary school students typically learn...
Sep 23, 2015
Every Day She Said ‘Hello’ To This Homeless Man. But One Day...
It's so easy to make assumptions, but you never know someone's story until you ask. An amazing story of the power of kindness and...
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